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Our Mission


To house the socialist youth movement so that organizers can be properly supported and trained to organize for their beliefs.​



Our Vision


To support decentralized, autonomous and student-run field operations to elect our candidates and organize for progressive issues across the country. We will do this by giving young people resources, tools, political education, and training, while providing ongoing guidance that honors our commitment to equity, inclusion, and diversity.



Our Background


If Beyond Bernie's background could be summed up in one word, it would be called scrappy.


Scrappy because we started work the day after Senator Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign.


Scrappy because we organized for five brilliant candidates before they became household names.


Scrappy because we are all young people who were fighting against adult issues that came with adult problems.


One aspect that makes Beyond Bernie so remarkable is the relationship we develop with our candidates. We take chances on one another, trusting each other with the task of not just winning one election, but putting in the work that an elected position requires after the fact.


Beyond Bernie is a family, composed of everyday people, united by a common belief, the belief that we can do better, and thus, we must.


Beyond Bernie sees people as mediums in which change can pass through, we put our faith and energy into policy, into community, not politicians. We understand that in order to achieve true justice and equality, systemic institutions must be abolished. The work needed to do this will be all-consuming, overwhelming, and quite plainly, difficult.


Nonetheless, we accept the challenge for we heed the price of freedom and liberation. 

Our 3 Pillars of Change



We have built a double hybrid student movement allowing students to organize on campus or in their community + create a new hub with us or affiliate their preexisting group. Our student program incorporates grassroots organizing through Pocket Pressure Campaigns, all varying in level of complexity to allow for flexibility and growth. Our hope is that through this, students will be familiar and comfortable with the process of identifying an injustice in their environment, and work to correct said issue.



We help develop our candidates’ student organizing infrastructure by implementing our SPREE model - Support, Projection, Responsibility, Efficiency, and Empowerment. What this means is that Beyond Bernie recognizes that many students are at the beginning of their organizing journey and therefore, would best thrive in a collaborative and encouraging environment. Furthermore, we acknowledge that young people are a very particular audience and hence, present our student programs in a very digestible and relatable manner. Despite all of this support - or rather, because of it - we foster both a serious and efficient program in which students feel incredibly empowered to organize under our candidates.



After being educated around the inequities within the government in regards to budget, Beyond Bernie decided to turn political education into praxis by creating legislative offices for our slate of understaffed, under-budgeted elected officials. The establishment of these offices is essential as it not only provides much needed support and aid to these government officials but it also directly gifts young Americans with the opportunity to participate in their democracy on a legislative level.


a note from us.

Beyond Bernie recognizes that we cannot be satisfied until every injustice is corrected, and we know that no matter how tough it gets, no matter how hopeless it seems, we must keep fighting.
What we are fighting is something so much more than words can hold. We are not screaming for ideals, but action.
Medicare for All. Green New Deal. College for All.
These are not just words to be spat during a debate, or a slogan to be plastered on your car. We are discussing real people, with real issues. Issues, that can be fixed, that we will fix.
Bernie Sanders' loss was a blow, one intended to silence us, to break us, but nothing, absolutely nothing, in singularity can be a movement.

The struggle for justice continues, and thus, so must we. With this, please remember that Bernie is not the revolution, we are.

Our Elected Officials

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Join the Movement

People power is everything.

That’s why we ask you to join us in this revolutionary movement now.

Beyond Bernie is committed to driving transformative systems for change, we're dedicated to fighting for a better future. 

Are you willing to fight for someone you don't know? Because we are.

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"The rage of the oppressed is never the same as the rage of the privileged."

- bell hooks


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Beyond Bernie is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. All photos belong to their respective owners, we take no credit in any of them.

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